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Kabongo Noel T - Tutor in Wonderboom South

I am Kabongo Noel Tshilumba, preferred name - Noel. I am a Theology Post-graduate (Honours Degree level) from the University of Pretoria. In high school, I majored on language (Modern and ancients). I throughout my personal education Parcours I have studied Latin, ancient biblical Greek, French and English. French is my native language and English is my professional language. I am quite fluent in both and as a result, I have landed numerous translation or interpretation job opportunities with various organisations. I did tutor french in the past and feel quite comfortable with subjects which relate to language and Biblical Theology. I am married to one wife and the father of a little boy. If you wish to know more, just ask me!

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kabongo Noel will travel 15km from Wonderboom South, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kabongo Noel speaks French and English

2008-11-21 - 2020-01-21
Pastor/Evangelical Theologian

Reading, reading, reading and Prayer.

2019-01-15 - 2020-12-21
MA Theology - Specializing in the New Testament - Unisa

Masters in the New Testament

2011-01-17 - 2012-12-05
Bachelor of Art Honors Degree - Theology (specializing in the New Testament) - University of Pretoria


Subjects taught
  • English as a foreign Language

    As a theologian, Language is our battle horse. We are called to communicate and do so very well. From a french speaking background, I had to achieve a professional fluency with the English language in order to graduate from the University of Pretoria. I will, therefore, say that studying English as a foreign language is simply something I am too familiar with given the fact that I had to master English as a foreign language to be successful in my studies.

    Kabongo Noel teaches English as a foreign Language at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • French

    French is my native language and I started out my education in french up to grade 12 level and the senior certificate qualification from my french speaking home Country. Up to now, I am still very comfortable in french and can help or assist anyone that wishes to learn this beautiful language.

    Kabongo Noel teaches French at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • Latin

    Latin and Roman antiquities were my first love. I majored in Latin at High School. I was always the top of my class in the subject. It provided me with the solid ground I need for my ancient greek later at the Varsity level. Given appropriate materials, I really can assist anyone seeking to learn how to read, write and speak Latin.

    Kabongo Noel teaches Latin at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)