tutor avatar

Jean de deiu N - Tutor in Retreat

I'm a 3rd year computer science and mathematics major at university of western cape. I've been tutoring for about a year and a half at Teachme2 and ADA Roslind foundation (a NPO). I love Mathematics very much and that is why I want to share my knowledge with others by assisting them in areas where they are experiencing difficulties.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Jean de deiu will travel 15km from Retreat, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Jean de deiu speaks English


Well I'm currently studying but I strive to make pocket money during the weekend and school holidays.

2018-02-11 - 2020-12-11
Currently completing Bsc in Computer science and Mathematics - UWC

I'm a 3rd year student at the university of western cape. I will be getting my Bsc in Computer science and Mathematics in Dec 2020.

Subjects taught
  • Pure Maths

    I'm currently enhancing my skills at university of western cape where I major in computer science and I'm currently tutoring maths at Teachme2 and ADA Roslind foundation. I teach Math because it's my absolute favorite subject and would like to assist those in need.

    Jean de deiu teaches Pure Maths at High School level(s)