tutor avatar

Siphosakhe M - Tutor in Westville

My name is Siphosakhe Mdluli, 24 years old, born and bred in Newcastle Kwazulu-Natal. I hold a BSc and BSc. Honors in Biological Sciences and currently doing a Masters degree. I'm a fun, energetic, approachable, easy to get along with person. I love science as it always allows us to answer a lot of questions about nature, people and their co-existence. I love people and very passionate about education.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Siphosakhe will travel 10km within Westville, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Languages spoken

Siphosakhe speaks Zulu and English

2019-01-28 - 2020-01-16
trainne (Professional Development Program for Postgrads)

i am basically doing my Masters research under the PDP prgram

2018-02-05 - 2019-11-04
Lab demostrator/tutor

facilitate practicals (3 hour practical) assess the work of the student and award marks maintain the attendance register facilitate tutorials invigilate tests, practical tests and exams

2017-06-19 - 2019-08-12
research assistant

wastewater treatment using the duckweed species to take up the nutrients in the wastewater. The pillow packet procedure was used to detect the nutrient concentrations in the duckweed after being removed from the wastewater using the DR900 spectrophotometer

2019-02-04 - 2020-11-30
Master of Science in Biological Sciences - University of KwaZulu-Natal

Research based degree Research on the fish health with response to water pollution of the Umgeni River in KwaZulu-Natal. Fish health analysis include histology-based assessment, organ-somatic indices, condition factor and the effects of parasites on fish health. Including the water and sediment quality analysis by looking at the metal present.

2018-02-04 - 2018-11-12
BSc (Honours) Biological Sciences - University of KwaZulu-Natal

BSc. Honours in Biological Sciences Includes topics such as biochemical plasticity, statistical methods, research module, biodiversity patterns, coastal ecology and plant ecophysiology

2014-02-03 - 2017-11-30
BSc. Marine Biology - University of KwaZulu-Natal

Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology Includes topics such as molecular biology, marine ecophysiology, applied marine biology, pollution and remediation, zoology, fisheries and basic animal biology

Subjects taught
  • Biology

    I’m the best tutor for this subject because I have 2 degrees under biology and I’m doing a Masters degree. I’ve been tutoring and demonstrating most of the biology modules (1st and 2nd year) at university for almost 2 years now.

    Siphosakhe teaches Biology at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)