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Candice A - Tutor in Klippoortjie AH

I am a qualified teacher and have been teaching grade ones for 2 years. I have been tutoring for approximately 6-7 years. As a person I am extremely passionate about children and learning more about them. I feel that the greatest change that could possibly take place in the world is through the children, as they control the future. Being in a position to shape those young minds into critical thinkers is my dream. Children who recognize their potential and understand their own worth will be the ones who change the world. In correlation with this I think that it is essential to shape and develop myself into the best possible person I was born to be in order to manage that responsibility. My intention is not only teaching young children, but to continuously learn and develop myself. I plan to further my studies by doing an honors degree through the University of Pretoria with specialization in child psychology and inclusive education. I am also currently completing an online course in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the Montessori Educators Course.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Candice will travel 20km from Klippoortjie AH, Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Candice speaks Afrikaans, Zulu, and English

2017-06-26 - 2019-09-20

I was a grade one teacher for 2 years and absolutely loved my job every single day. I taught the English, Mathematics, Afrikaans and Life Skills.

2012-01-17 - 2019-10-10

I have tutored multiple students for around 7 years, all from varying backgrounds and different abilities. I have tutored many children who have ADD, ADHD and Dyslexia and have always found ways to help them and build their confidence.

2012-02-01 - 2016-12-15
BEd Foundation Phase and ECD - University of Witwatersrand

I have a bachelors degree in Foundation Phase Teaching and Early Childhood Development. I majored in English. I have done many additional courses along with my degree.

Subjects taught
  • English as a foreign Language

    I have recently completed both my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) 160 hour course. Teaching in a school where English was the medium of instruction, many of the children did not come from homes where English was the spoken language. Due to this I have learnt to alter lessons to suit and help those children.

    Candice teaches English as a foreign Language at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Mathematics Literacy

    I achieved high results for this subject whilst in school and have found it helpful to tackle key aspects of the subject when tutoring it. I find many of the students I have worked with struggle mostly with the financial aspect, this being simple and compound interest, salary scales etc. I was able to break it up and make the seemingly daunting task much more approachable and manageable.

    Candice teaches Mathematics Literacy at High School level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    Afrikaans can be a bit of an overwhelming subject at first - although I have had a lot of success with it with my students. I have used a lot of interesting and fun techniques that I have worked with over time with multiple students to make the key aspects of Afrikaans simpler and easier to retain. I have also found that going back to basics and strengthening the foundations of the key concepts helps.

    Candice teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • English

    At university my major was English, which gave me a higher level of understanding of the subject, as well as a diverse range of ways to study and practice the content and skills required. I have a lot of interesting and fun techniques that I have worked with over time with multiple students to make the key aspects of English simpler and easier to retain.

    Candice teaches English at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • Accountancy

    I have tutored this subject many times and I have found it to be the most rewarding and successful when the students I have worked with have the "light bulb moment", where all of a sudden they grasp a concept that is linked to other concepts. Being a visual learner - I am able to teach in a more visual way, which tends to break down abstract concepts into smaller parts which then make sense.

    Candice teaches Accountancy at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • TEFL

    I have recently completed both my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) 160 hour course. Teaching in a school where English was the medium of instruction, many of the children did not come from homes where English was the spoken language. Due to this I have learnt to alter lessons to suit and help those children.

    Candice teaches TEFL at High School and Primary School level(s)