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Nadia A - Tutor in Bryanston

Hi, I'm a 3rd year Bachelor of Education student, my strongest subjects in high school were english, afrikaans, life sciences, life orientation and CAT. As a tutor I try to share my knowledge and boost the confidence of learners, as well as with exam. preparation. I'm happy to help in other subjects if I can research and prepare adequately. I like to think I understand how people learn and think, hence why I wanted to become a teacher. I have experience with children from infancy to high school level whom I've had the pleasure of teaching and connecting with. Please do arrange a virtual meeting to see if I can be of assistance to you or your child, I look forward to hearing from you. Nadia

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Nadia will travel 5km from Bryanston, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Nadia speaks English

2017-01-16 - 2017-04-30
Assistant Teacher

Prepared learning materials and facilitated lessons Assisted pupils with assigned work, marked pupils’ work Performed general administrative duties

2013-01-16 - 2016-12-23
Bachelor of Education - University of Johannesburg

Majors: Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, School Guidance and Support

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I have a good understanding of the Afrikaans school subject (language and literature sections, as well as how to approach examination questions) and how it works for grading students, I'm happy to share my knowledge.

    Nadia teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Biology

    I have a good understanding of the Life Science school subject as well as how to approach examination questions and assignments and how it works for grading students, I'm happy to share my knowledge.

    Nadia teaches Biology at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • English skills

    I have a good understanding of the English school subject (language and literature sections, as well as how to approach examination questions) and how it works for grading students, I'm happy to share my knowledge.

    Nadia teaches English skills at High School and Primary School level(s)