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Jaco L - Tutor in North Riding

Passionate about Afrikaans and teaching. I will always ensure that you understand the basics first and then we will start puzzling the pieces together. I have my masters degree in Afrikaans literature and my Honours degree in Afrikaans teaching.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Jaco will travel 20km from North Riding, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Jaco speaks Afrikaans and English

2016-01-01 - 2020-07-31

2018-04-11 - 2018-07-19
BA, BAHons, MA in Language - NWU

Subjects taught
  • English Literature

    I have an extensive knowledge of English Literature as well as the guiding theories behind it. I have taught most of the set works, and I am able to deliver content to learners. Language and literature.

    Jaco teaches English Literature at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    I have my Masters degree in Afrikaans Literature and Language and have also obtained my PCGE in Language education. I am able to explain the basics, and have the knack to make difficult concepts easier to understand. I am a teacher at a Public School so have taught most set works.

    Jaco teaches Afrikaans at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)