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Dario L - Tutor in Oakdene

Third year Biomedical sciences student at University of Witwatersrand. Graduated as a top 10 student at Marist Brothers Linmeyer with 4 disinctions. Tutored highschool and AP maths level at Kumon South for 4 years from the age of 16.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Dario will travel 10km from Oakdene, Johannesburg South, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Dario speaks English

2016-09-08 - 2020-02-20
Maths Tutor

When I was doing this job I would typically leave school or university at around 3 to 5pm then travel straight to Kumon South and work there until around 7pm on a Monday and Thursday. I would also work for around an hour on Saturday from 9am to 10am for extra lessons

2018-01-01 - 2018-12-31
National Senior Certificate - Marist Brothers Linmeyer

Achieved and IEB accredited matric certificate from Marist Brothers Linmeyer in 2018

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I tutored mathematics at a high school and first year university level for 4 years from the age of 16 at Kumon South. I also graduated high school with a distinction in mathematics and did AP maths at Marist Brothers Linmeyer.

    Dario teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)

  • Biology

    I graduated with a distinction in Biology at a high school level and have been practicing a more complicated form of biology in a medical degree over the past two and a quarter years and therefore I have a love for the subject and everything that it entails.

    Dario teaches Biology at High School level(s)