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Kalombo C - Tutor in Marshalltown

I'm a French and English teacher, I've been teaching for the past 2 years, mostly students from Japan, China, Taiwan and some in South Africa I'm a highly passionate and hardworking individual with passion for teaching I love meeting new people and help them achieve their full potential

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kalombo will travel 50km from Marshalltown, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kalombo speaks French and English

01/12/2017 - 08/23/2019
English and French Teacher

Online English and French teacher, teaching Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese and many other nationalities across the world.

06/03/2016 - 08/23/2019
Brand Ambassador

Representing Samsung at different network service providers stores (Vodacom, mtn, telkom, cellc ...) across South Africa

01/17/2012 - 12/09/2014
Accounting - PC Training and Business college

Bachelor's degree in Accounting

Subjects taught
  • French

    I am a native French speaker and a teacher, With teaching being my passion, should you choose me as your teacher we will learn in the most fun and easy way. I am a highly passionate and hardworking teacher, I'm always patient with all my students as i know French can be difficult for many.

    Kalombo teaches French at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)