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Nkateko S - Tutor in Doornfontein

I have a psychology degree at unisa and I have knowledge of industrial and organisational modules from first to third level. My experience at unisa taught me discipline and hard work, also smart work. I am here to share my knowledge and assist those in need.

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Languages spoken

Nkateko speaks Zulu, English, Xhosa, Tswana, and Tsonga

Experience / Education
2015 - 2018 - tutoring fellow students while at unisa 2018 - completed Psychology degree 2019 - became a recruitment consultant
Subjects taught
  • Psychology

    I have a degree in psychology and I noticed how many students struggle with industrial and organisational psychology modules. I am willing to assist online with how the students many study for the exam and also to have an understanding of the modules.

    Nkateko teaches Psychology at University/College level(s)