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Maiar A - Tutor in Van Der Hoff Park

I am a Third year Computer and Electronic Engineering student at the North-West University. - Matriculated in 2018 with a 95.3% average score. - Placed top student of Quintile 4 in South Africa for the National Senior Certificate in 2018 - Straight distinctions throughout my University degree - Tutoring experience at University level by being chosen to tutor first year Mathematics for the NWU. - Passionate about instilling the beauty of Mathematics and Physics in students - I am dedicated to ensuring that the student recognizes their own faults and guiding students to correcting mistakes. - Being 19 years old and student myself, I am aware of the struggles that my students face and am dedicated to supporting my students through them. - Willing to listen to your specific and unique requirements (with regards to teaching styles and techniques) and experiences with each subject - In other words, I am willing to adapt my method of teaching to fit your method of learning Contact details: Cell: +27 72 012 5943 Email: maiarahmed001@gmail.com

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Maiar will travel 10km from Van Der Hoff Park, Potchefstroom, North West, South Africa

Languages spoken

Maiar speaks Afrikaans, English, and Arabic

2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
First Year Mathematics Tutor at the North-West University

During my tutoring job, I would sit in the Mathematics Centre that is present at the North-West University and answer the questions of any students that came by for help at the Math's center. This job was mostly to assist students in any questions they had on the weekly tutorials and tutorial tests that they were given as part of the modules. The module that I was responsible for tutoring was MTHS111 as well as MTHS121 and it mostly entails Advanced Calculus.

2019-01-01 - 2022-12-31
B.Eng Computer and Electronic Engineering - North West University

Subjects taught
  • General Maths & Science

    - I achieved 97% in Physics and 95% in Mathematics in Matric (2018). - Tutored first year Mathematics at University level for the NWU - Pursuing a Bachelor's in Engineering due to my passion for Math's and Physics. - Passionate about making students fall in love with Math and Physics no matter how much resistance they may have towards the subjects. - This passion will be instilled by demonstrating practical examples on the uses of Math and Physics techniques and theory.

    Maiar teaches General Maths & Science at High School level(s)