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Pierre V - Tutor in Randpark

I am passionate about helping people learn new things. I tutored maths for several years both individually and in groups and enjoy working with others. I was a software developer until recently when I decided to return to tutoring. I enjoy reading, learning about history, drumming singing, programming, and horse riding. I am always keen to learn new things about the world. I believe that with the right approach to teaching, anyone can be taught anything they want to learn. My experience tutoring maths has taught me that often people assume that maths is hard because they're having a hard time following what they're being taught in class. I've found that their confidence in their ability to solve maths problems and grasp the fundamentals of maths increases as they learn and master new concepts. In high school, I myself struggled with maths and thought that I would never master it . With the help of dedicated and capable tutors, I was able to overcome these challenges and get better in a short time. I hope that I can help my students the way that my tutors helped me when I was struggling.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Pierre will travel 50km from Randpark, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Pierre speaks Afrikaans and English

2015-05-25 - 2019-08-31
Software Developer

From 2015-2016 I worked as an SQL developer at Tial Technologies I performed data maintenance for brokerage firms located across the country using Microsoft SQL. I worked directly with the clients to resolve critical data integrity issues which prevented the clients’ programs from working. From 2016-2017 I worked as a Java developer at ASD solutions We developed new and updated existing programs and apps for businesses for organisations spanning multiple sectors of the industry using programming languages such as Java, SQL, mySQL, HTML, JSP, and Codename One. From 2017-2019 I was a support programmer at Meditech I updated existing software and programs and developed new programs for companies in the medical industry. I performed data maintenance for the client when needed, such as ensuring that any corrupted data was corrected.I worked in a team with specialists in the various fields of medicine.

2020-01-01 - 2020-11-30
Maths Tutor at Master Maths

.At master maths students worked on an interactive course that would take them through the topics that they were studying at school I would supervise them and check on their progress to see if they were struggling. It was my experience that they were often hesitant to ask questions if they needed help. I found that by checking up on them and helping and demonstrating how to solve certain problems I was able to increase their confidence and improve their understanding more effectively than by just waiting for them to ask questions.At the end of each month we would send their parents progress reports to keep them updated on how their kids were doing and whether they needed to spend extra time at the centre to revise the content. During the lockdown in 2020 I worked from home and assisted the students remotely. We would use telegram to stay in touch with the students while they worked through the course. By messaging them and offering them assistance we would help ensure that they stayed on track with the program.

2012-04-21 - 2015-09-01
Private maths tutor

I worked with students individually on topics they struggled with. I would start by testing their current level of proficiency in the subject and then working through examples they did in class. I would also prepare them for tests and exams by going through past papers with them. I would take them through the steps of how to solve maths problems to give them a better understanding and improve their confidence.

2013-01-01 - 2021-05-01
Diploma in software development - CTI

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I have extensive experience tutoring maths to both high school and primary school students. Most people find maths scary because of how strange it seems at first glance. I try to make people see that it isn't as hard as they think it is and that they can do it. In my time as a tutor I have learned how to make maths seem less threatening but also how each individual has a different approach to learning. Often it only takes a bit of patience and dedication.

    Pierre teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)

  • Java

    I got a diploma in software development in 2015 at CTI. I specialized in Java as my main programming language and managed to get a distinction for it. From 2016-2017 I worked at a company that designed and created customer centred applications and apps using Java. I developed new and updated existing programs and apps for businesses for organisations spanning multiple sectors of the industry using programming languages such as Java, SQL, mySQL, HTML, JSP and Codename One.

    Pierre teaches Java at High School level(s)