Rachel H - Tutor in North Riding

I am a hard working passionate honour's student. I have obtained my BA(HUS) with a double major in Anthropology and History. With this degree I covered archeaology, ancient history, modern history, classical cultures, research in the social siences, psychololgy and first year philosophy.I then went on to obtain my Hons. in History. I am extremely patient, and I am happy to tutor primary school-university level students. My aim is to become a professor, in both Anthropology and History. I am currently working day's as a general manager of a restaurant, and I study for my Anthropology hons.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Rachel speaks English

None mentioned.
2016 - 2016
BA History - University of South Africa

2014 - 2014
BA Anthropology - University of South Africa

2018 - 2018
BA Anthropology - University of South Africa

2014 - 2014
BA Psychology - University of South Africa

2013 - 2013
BA Archaeology - University of South Africa