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Jeanine C - Tutor in Mondeor

Hi there. My name is Jeanine, I'm a high school history teacher. My aim is to teach you the wonders of history and inspire you to embrace life with the knowledge of the past. I know history is not everyone's cup of tea, but let's work together and make it into a cup of coffee, you will enjoy.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Jeanine will travel 30km from Mondeor, Johannesburg South, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Jeanine speaks Afrikaans and English

2016-01-01 - 2020-12-31
History teacher

I'm a full time teacher, I'm at school from 07h00 til 16h00 including some weekends

2010-01-15 - 2016-06-30
B.Ed - NWU

I received my honorary colors for B.Ed

Subjects taught
  • History

    I have a B.Ed degree in History. I have been teaching high school history for 4 years, and I'm planning to do so for years to come. My love for history overflows, and I would like to transfer my love of it to others.

    Jeanine teaches History at High School level(s)