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Pearl S - Tutor in Bulwer

Hi there! I am an LLB graduate who's currently doing articles at a small law firm in Durban. I was previously a mentor for UKZN Howard College law students and taught high school students about law part time. I enjoy teaching and advancing the careers of others. I'm a friendly person and I look forward to meeting and assisting you!

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Pearl will travel 15km from Bulwer, Berea, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Languages spoken

Pearl speaks Zulu and English

2018-07-02 - 2020-11-30
Para-legal officer

This position teaches you how to apply legal principles to clients matters, your learn how to open client files, consult, draft court papers, attend to all client queries, attend to all administrative work and manage your time efficiently and effectively. You also learn how to work within an office and group setting as you are surrounded by people of different creeds and with varying opinions.

2016-02-01 - 2018-04-18
Candidate attorney

As a candidate attorney you learn how to apply what you have learned in univerity to real life problems. You learn hownth court systems work and how to apply legal principles to your clients problems. You have to be open to learning, open to criticism and take each day as it comes.

2010-01-18 - 2014-12-19
LLB degree - UKZN Howard College

I studied the LLB degree which consists of all law subjects such as Criminal law, civil law, commercial law, family law, personal injury, jurisprudence and legal research and drafting, to name a few.

Subjects taught
  • Law

    I studied and successfully completed all subjects related to the field of law. I am currently practicing in 4 areas of law mainly civil procedure, family law, personal injury and some commercial law. I love my job and I want to impart study tips, knowledge and study techniques that I used when I was a student.

    Pearl teaches Law at University/College and Adult level(s)