tutor avatar

Rachel S - Tutor in Brooklyn

I am a very patient person. I have 5 years experience tutoring students between ages 8-16. I am available for tutoring Maths, English, Biology, Afrikaans (second language). I adapt my method of teaching to my students needs and will continue different ways of explainig a problem until it is understood.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Rachel will travel 10km from Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Rachel speaks Afrikaans and English

2010-05-03 - 2017-10-31

Tutor primary and high school in Maths, English, Accounting, Afrikaans

2010-05-11 - 2015-10-01
Au pair

I drove kids around. Stayed over when parents went away for work. Did homework.

2014-02-03 - 2019-10-23
Teachers Assistant

I helped with marking and up keep of the book room

2017-01-01 - 2020-07-01
B General - UNISA

Bachelors in English and Psychology

Subjects taught
  • English as a foreign Language

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches English as a foreign Language at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Math

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches Math at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Accounting

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches Accounting at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Biology

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches Biology at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches Natural Sciences at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • English Language and Literature

    I adapt my way of teaching to each students need. I will approach a problem from every angle until we find a way for you as student to understand the subject. I will work through your work with you until you are comfortable to try it alone.

    Rachel teaches English Language and Literature at High School and Primary School level(s)