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Elie Danien R - Tutor in Johannesburg

I can help students in the following subjects: - Maths: Linear algebra, calculus - Physics: Mechanics - Programming: Python (scipy, numpy, matplotlib, pandas), bash shell scripting, HTML, PHP, Javascript, MySQL, Latex I have a MSc degree in Mathematical sciences and a MSc degree in Physics. I master Geogebra and other educational tools. I also master image editing, video editing and 3D modelling. You can check my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ2uHV3B7kPn8nnVhaff5BA/videos

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Elie Danien will travel 1km from Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Elie Danien speaks French and English

2016-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Teaching Assistant and LAB demonstrantor at the University of the Witwatersrand

- Mark the LAB reports, Test and exam scripts - Upload student marks online - Guide students during the tutorial sessions

2016-01-01 - 2017-12-15
MSc in Physics - University of The Witwatersrand

My research involves the following topics: - Group theory - Gauge theories - Matrix model - Theory of gravity I have been using Mathematica and Python to automate many tedious tasks.

Subjects taught
  • Computer Programming

    Besides maths and physics, I am a fun of computer programming. I am fluent in Python programming and bash shell scripting. I know how to code in C/C++, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL. I am relying on computer programming in my research work and in my personal projects.

    Elie Danien teaches Computer Programming at University/College level(s)

  • Physics

    I master the following topics in details: - Mechanics - Quantum mechanics - Data visualization with the Python library Matplotlib - Standard Model of Particle Physics - Tools for High Energy Physics - Computer programming for engineering and science students

    Elie Danien teaches Physics at University/College level(s)