tutor avatar

Karien J - Tutor in Wierdapark

I am an education student, I am currently in my third year. I love helping students understand Afrikaans, as it can be a difficult language at times. I have a passion for working with students and the Afrikaans Subject is dear to me.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Karien will travel 10km from Wierdapark, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Karien speaks Afrikaans

2019-01-09 - 2021-12-15
Student teacher

Helping my mentor teacher with admin work. Helping my mentor teacher with lesson plans and giving class. Going around the class to see if students need help.

2019-01-09 - 2021-12-15
Student teacher

Helping my mentor teacher with admin work. Helping my mentor teacher with lesson plans and giving class. Going around the class to see if students need help.

2018-02-05 - 2021-11-26
bEd Intermediate phase - UNISA

Still busy with degree.

2012-01-04 - 2016-12-16
Matric - Hoërskool Eldoraigne

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I am fluent in Afrikaans, it is my home language. Afrikaans is also the subject I am majoring in in University for my education studies. Afrikaans is the subject I am going to teach when I am done with my education studies.

    Karien teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)