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Chelsea T - Tutor in Rynfield AH

I am a recent Psychology Honours graduate. I have approximately 4 years of tutoring experience which I have done as either a standalone tutor or through au pair work. Additionally, I have experience with individuals with learning disabilities as I have also acted as a school facilitator for the past 2.5 years. In my spare time, I am a lay counsellor at an NPO called LifeLine. Here, I offer free counselling services to those in need. I pride myself on my ability to be extremely patient in any circumstance. I am soft-hearted and soft-spoken and I cannot recall a time where I have ever shouted at a learner. I prefer hands-on work so I will always try to explain using real-life examples or models (e.g. pictures, diagrams, etc.). In every endeavour that I pursue, I do not like to disappoint myself or others, thus, I always give 110% to all that I do. I grew up (and still currently reside) on a plot, and I absolutely adore animals. I am a very active, healthy individual who enjoys exercise and sport on a daily basis. My leisure activities include crossword puzzles, drawing, and binge-watching series.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Chelsea will travel 10km from Rynfield AH, Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Chelsea speaks Afrikaans and English

None mentioned.
2019-01-01 - 2020-12-31
BA(Hons) Applied Psychology - The University of South Africa

I completed by 2-year Honours degree at UNISA. I specialised in Applied Psychology for Professional Contexts which included modules such as Sport & Organisational Psychology, Neuropsychology, Personality, Psychometric Assessment, and so on. This was an extremely taxing degree that required immense self-discipline and devotion to studies, and I am proud of to have finished my Honours, graduating with an overall average of 72%. I hope to pursue my Psychology Masters in the upcoming years.

2016-02-01 - 2018-12-01
BA Humanities majoring in Psychology & Criminology - University of Pretoria

I completed my 3-year undergraduate degree at UP, where after I went on to pursue by postgraduate studies at UNISA. In my 1st year, I was awarded membership with the Golden Key International Honorary Society for academic excellence which is awarded to the top 10%

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I received A and B symbols for mathematics throughout my entire high school career, matriculating with a final mark of 79% (just missed the distinction!). I thoroughly enjoyed the challenging nature of maths and the logic employed in solving equations. Most of my tutoring experience lies in the tutoring of this subject (mostly primary school - CAPS & IEB).

    Chelsea teaches Mathematics at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    My tertiary education in the field of Psychology as broadened my knowledge of the natural sciences beyond what any school-level biology had done before. I took Biology, Physics and Chemistry until matric level. I have quite a lot of experience in tutoring this subject to Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7 pupils (CAPS & IEB)

    Chelsea teaches Natural Sciences at Primary School level(s)

  • Human Biology

    My tertiary education in the field of Psychology as broadened my knowledge of human biology beyond what any school-level biology had done before. I took Biology until matric level and received B symbols for this subject throughout my high school career.

    Chelsea teaches Human Biology at High School level(s)