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Natali D - Tutor in South Africa

About the Artist Natali Downing was born in the early 1980’s and lives and works from a small home based studio in Centurion. She primarily works in conceptual art in a variety of medias but has most of her experience in oils She is an artist who has done several commissions and private sales since finishing school and is currently studying Bachelors in Visual Art. After studying law and a diploma in accounting she finally realized she actually want nothing more than to be an artist, she built up the courage to become once again a penniless student and applied at Unisa once again. She spends the majority of her time working on her projects for her degree and through studying art academically she strives to push herself towards her fullest potential and to create visually haunting conceptual artworks. Subjects that Natali regularly visits are those of; nostalgia, the impact of being Afrikaans in a post-apartheid South Africa, still life and the fragilities of flora and fauna. She also enjoys exploring social commentary and cultural memories as conceptual underpinnings in her work. Among many artists, Diane Victor, Penny Siopis, Willem Boshoff and Leona Faber inspire her work and career.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Natali speaks English

None mentioned.
2013 - 2013
BA Art - University of South Africa

Subjects taught