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Luke F - Tutor in Plumstead

Hi, I'm Luke! I'm currently a computer science student at UCT and I've always loved the sciences (sometimes maths is a pain but you get used to it). I went to Westerford High School and took pure maths, history, biology and physics as my choice subjects. In matric I scored As (above 80%) across all my choice subjects, and my favourites were physics and biology, but of course I needed strong math skills for physics. I'd love to tutor you and hopefully help you improve in the subjects you might be struggling with.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Luke will travel 20km from Plumstead, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Luke speaks English

2019-03-01 - 2019-11-30
High School Tutor

A private tutor to other students at my school, subjects include Physical Science, History, Chemistry, and Pure maths.

2015-01-01 - 2019-12-01
National Senior Certificate - Westerford High School

Achieved code 7 in all subject but Afrikaans. (I don't tutor Afrikaans)

Subjects taught
  • Pure Maths

    I scored 82% for my pure maths final exam in matric (96% in the MOCK exam) and I feel confident in my math skills. I'm taking an application maths course in university that includes functions, algebra, series, and patterns, and I think I can help students to improve their math abilities at the high school level.

    Luke teaches Pure Maths at High School level(s)

  • History

    I scored 84% in my final history exam in matric, and I think that I could help pass on my knowledge of essay writing, time management, and learning strategies to any student wanting to improve their history results at the high school level.

    Luke teaches History at High School level(s)

  • Biology

    I scored 86% for my final biology exam in matric (92% in the MOCK exam), and I feel very confident in my ability to learn and understand concepts in the biological field. Biology was the second subject I wanted to study most, and I'm taking a cell biology course in university. I think I could help teach other students how to learn, memorise, and understand concepts in biology that they may be struggling with.

    Luke teaches Biology at High School level(s)

  • Physical Science

    I scored 88% for my final physical science and chemistry exam in matric, and I'm currently taking a general physics course at university. I think I am more than capable of providing students with the knowledge they need to improve their skills in physics at the high school level.

    Luke teaches Physical Science at High School level(s)