tutor avatar

Kieran G - Tutor in Morningside Manor

I am a 22 year old in my final year of studies in a Bachelor of Commerce degree. I have tutored throughout my university years as I enjoy teaching others and hope to elevate those around me to achieve their goals. I am patient, encouraging and focused in my methods.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kieran will travel 20km from Morningside Manor, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kieran speaks English

Tutored for Stellies tutors in Stellenbosch (mostly in the field of economics) 2016-2020 BCom International Business at Stellenbosch University 6 distinctions achieved at matric level at St Davids Marist Inanda
2012 - 2016
Matric - St Davids Marist Inanda

Subjects taught
  • Economics

    I achieved a distinction for Economics at Stellenbosch University and I trust that this knowledge can be effectively passed on. This is a subject I am confident in teaching as I have taught several students beforehand. I will use examples and clear explanations to illustrate my point.

    Kieran teaches Economics at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)