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Rosalind S - Tutor in Cape Town

I have been the secretary, running our farming business for 28 years, my bookkeeping skills are all self taught and I am computer literate. I did relief teaching at Hopetown Hoerskool English Grade 8 to Matric. At the same time all four children had to go to boarding school and I have had to travel long distances alone and be highly organized in sorting out their lives from a distance. I have also taught Afrikaans second language to matric and am a qualified remedial teacher (UCT) I now live in Cape Town and own a four star guesthouse in Upper Claremont Cape Town. I also tutor Afrikaans and Maths in the afternoons as well as facilitating for children who struggle at Rustenburg Junior School.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Travelling distance

Rosalind will travel 20km within Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Rosalind speaks Afrikaans and English

None mentioned.
1976 - 1976
Other Mathematics - University of Cape Town

1976 - 1976
BA English skills - University of Stellenbosch

1976 - 1976
Bachelor's (other) Art - University of Stellenbosch