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Vincent D - Tutor in Benoni

I am a Univesity Student Studying Electrical Enginering. I love workinng on a personal level with other students helping them grasp Concepts in ways that they understan and can remember, I took Maths, Physics/Chemistry, English, Afrikaans, IT and Digital Electrics. I recieved the Ekhuruleni award for the highest Electrics Mark. I enjoy working with students on a regular basis to teach/help with work as it is presented so that exams are less stressful. I especially enjoy helping with lower grades, up to grade 10 in maths and physics. I am a sufficiant programmer in Delphi and C. I can help you out with coding prodjects/PAT's.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Vincent will travel 15km from Benoni, Benoni, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Vincent speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-01-16 - 2020-01-30
Sales Consultant

I recieved and processed orders for fasteners from regular clients as well as walk in clients. I made out standard as well as custom quotations for Normal orders as well as specially manufactured fasteners. Oversaw the manufacturing of my orders. Designed fastener solutions for customers, worked through the design process fo them and ensured correct manufacturing.

2014-01-13 - 2018-11-22
Matric Certificate - Hoerskool Hans Mooore

Subjects taught
  • English as a foreign Language

    I am a proficiant english speker and I understand the nuances of the language well. I can also speak afrikaans well, so we can converse and I can help you in getting to know the language without you having to communicate soley in English.

    Vincent teaches English as a foreign Language at High School level(s)

  • General Maths & Science

    I enjoy working on the fundementals of maths and Science. Understanding these basics in Primary School is vital to excelling in the later years of Maths and the Sciences. I took Core Maths and Physical Sciences in high School, and I am Still taking those modules in Varsity where I am Studying Electrical Engineering.

    Vincent teaches General Maths & Science at Primary School level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    I recieved constant Distinctions for this thoughout primary and highschool and I speak the language frequently. I have learnt it as a second language as well as having spoken it at home for many years, so I understand the difficulties of learning the language. I also enjoy teachng languages.

    Vincent teaches Afrikaans at High School level(s)

  • Computer Programming

    I enjoy coding recreationally. I can code in C and in Delphi. I took IT in highschool, so I have experiance with that environment and how their projects are done. I can help in advising with Projects and/or PAT's. I am currently studying it further as one of my Modules in Electrical Engineering.

    Vincent teaches Computer Programming at High School level(s)

  • Electrical Engineering

    I am currently Studying Electrical engineering at Varisty. I took Digital electrics in high school and I recieved the Ekhuruleni award for the highest mark in the Subject. I am Passionate about the Subject and I enjoy teaching the subject

    Vincent teaches Electrical Engineering at High School level(s)