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Keenan H - Tutor in Heathfield

I have 5 years experience in lecturing and tutoring at the University of Cape Town in subjects including Political Science, Psychology and Research Methods. I have also conducted various guest lectures in Ear;y Childhood Education, Curriculum Design and Institutional Change and transformation. I am in possession of a Bachelor of Social Science specialising in International Relations and Psychology, a Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Studies and a BEd Honours. Over the last few years I have been responsible for individual and group tuition of both mainstream students and students at various ends of the Autism spectrum.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Keenan will travel 15km from Heathfield, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Keenan speaks Afrikaans and English

2015- Bachelor of Social Science (International Relations and Psychology (UCT) 2019- Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Studies (UCT) 2020- Bachelor of Education (Honours) (UCT)
2020-02-10 - 2021-12-31
MPhil (Sociology) - UCT

2016-02-15 - 2017-06-30
PGDip (Higher Education Studies) - UCT

2011-02-14 - 2014-11-28
Bachelor of Social Science in International Relations & Psychology - UCT

Subjects taught
  • History

    I obtained a first-class pass in the subject at the end of high school. I am also in possession of two degrees in the Social Sciences and have taught various courses, short courses and guest lectures in these disciplines. I have a particular interest in South African history as well as the development of Western European states since the feudal period.

    Keenan teaches History at High School level(s)

  • Politics

    I am in possession of a degree in Political Science with a particular specialisation in International Organisations like the UN and the European Union. I have taught first, second and third-year courses across various sub-disciplines and have an advanced degree in the Politics of Higher Education.

    Keenan teaches Politics at University/College level(s)

  • Psychology

    I am in possession of a degree in the I have taught the subject up to final year of university and specialise in Social and Critical Psychology as well as Clinical Psychology. I have also completed various research methods courses in both quantitative and qualitative research methods,

    Keenan teaches Psychology at University/College level(s)

  • English Language and Literature

    I obtained a distinction in English in Grade 12, I have also completed various advanced courses in English Language and Literature, this includes courses in Romance and Realism as well as African literature, and have taught various university courses on the subject.

    Keenan teaches English Language and Literature at University/College level(s)