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Jomien S - Tutor in Menlo Park

My home language is Afrikaans, but I am comfortable with English as well. I prefer working with primary school children. I have flexible hours especially in the mornings. I have a science background so I have a good knowledge of maths and well and science. I can work with under privileged children/ children with special needs and have a lot of patience. I'm a mother of 2 teen boys and have a good understanding of the curriculum.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home

Travelling distance

Jomien will travel 5km from Menlo Park, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Jomien speaks Afrikaans and English

1998 - 2020
Dietician/ teacher

At the moment I see homecare pasients who need tube feeds. I do however have a love for teaching and enjoyed working with my boys as they were growing up. I find that I can explain concepts that can be difficult to understand, especially for the younger child.

1994-01-01 - 1997-12-31
B Dietetics - UP

The degree covered a lot of Maths and Science (chemistry and biochemistry as well as Physics). We had Biology for 4 years including Human Physiology. We also did statistics, research and psychology for 3 years. The degree covered a very wide spectrum of subjects over the course of 4 years.

Subjects taught
  • General Maths & Science

    I believe any child can do maths or science! I believe it should be fun, especially at primary school level with lots of pictures and different colours. Creativity should be part of the learning process. I have a lot of patience I will explain as many times as it takes!

    Jomien teaches General Maths & Science at Primary School level(s)