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Inem N - Tutor in Edenburg

Hi my name is Inem. I'm currently studying Actuarial Science student at UCT. I'm really into strategy videos and my favourite food is pizza (any kind so long as it doesn't have pineapple on it). I also enjoy using math and statistics when talking about my other passion - football (don't even get me started on Arsenal's terrible form this season!)

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Public Place and Online

Travelling distance

Inem will travel 15km from Edenburg, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Inem speaks English

2019-07-01 - 2019-11-30
Economics tutor

My job entailed tutoring two classes of first year macroeconomics students. I would mark weekly assessments, give summaries of the work done each week and explain the key topics of macroeconomics.

2018-01-01 - 2021-11-30
BBusSci Actuarial Science - UCT

Subjects taught
  • Statistics

    I believe I am well suited to be a statistics tutor as I have enamoured with statistics and it's intracacies from a young age! Moreover, I have completed (and achieved distinctions in) statistics up to a second year undergraduate level.

    Inem teaches Statistics at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Mathematics

    I believe I am well suited to be a maths tutor as I have enamoured with mathematics and it's intracacies from a young age! Moreover, I have completed (and achieved distinctions in) mathematics up to a second year undergraduate level.

    Inem teaches Mathematics at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Economics

    I believe I am well suited to be an economics tutor as I really like money! (I mean who doesn't). My love for economics allows me to better understand the different ways our economy operates and its intracacies. Moreover, I have completed (and achieved distinctions in) economics up to a second year undergraduate level and I have tutored this subject for UCT's department of economics.

    Inem teaches Economics at University/College level(s)