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Loretta N - Tutor in Sea Point

I graduated top of my class and received an academic award in a mathematical course. Working with numbers is my passion and I'm happy that I get to apply mathematical concepts in my everyday life. Helping you excel in this number game will not only be about knowing concepts but building a step towards your dream career.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Loretta will travel 20km from Sea Point, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Loretta speaks English

2017-12-01 - 2019-03-01
Teaching and Research Assistant

Assisted in academic research and tutored the following courses Statistical Methods for Finance Investment Management

2019-03-01 - 2019-12-31
Investment Analyst

Analyze investments using different statistical tools Perform investment valuation using financial valuation models Produce investment research reports covering investment performance and projected future performance

2013-08-13 - 2017-06-01
Btech Degree in Financial Engineering - Harare Institute of Technology

Application of Mathematics, Finance, and Computer Science to identify financial challenges and designing possible solutions.

Subjects taught
  • Statistics

    I apply statistical concepts such as measures of central tendency, probability, and regression on a daily basis when analyzing data. I have also worked as an assistant lecturer in Statistics and produced excellent results.

    Loretta teaches Statistics at High School, University/College, and Adult level(s)