tutor avatar

Anthoneth M - Tutor in Sophiatown

I am a friendly individual and work well with others. My main goal is to assist one to achieve greater results. Each and every individual learns differently, I aspire to find methods that works best for my new mentees. I am quick to grasp new ideas and concepts, and to develop innovative and creative solutions to problems. Even under significant pressure, I possess a strong ability to perform effectively.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Anthoneth will travel 15km from Sophiatown, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Anthoneth speaks Zulu, English, Southern Sotho, Northern Sotho, Tswana, and Swati

11/01/2018 -
Environmental Consultant

My duties includes but not limited to the following; Environmental Authorisations (basic assessments, Scoping and EIA, water use license applications and waste license applications) Applications, wetland assessment; public participation and stakeholder engagement. Project management (MS Projects) and Creating Maps (ArcGIS).

02/06/2012 - 12/10/2014
Bsc Life and Environmental Science - University of Johannesburg

Bsc Life and Environmental Science major in Geology and Geography

Subjects taught
  • Geography

    Geography was my major subject throughout my undergraduate studies and I excelled in it. Having done several researches and worked with GIS softwares one gets to realize that Geography is our everyday life.

    Anthoneth teaches Geography at High School and University/College level(s)