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Matthew C - Tutor in Crowthorne AH

I have two years of invaluable teaching experience working as a tutor for Hire Education Tutors in South Africa. This was achieved while I was studying a Bachelor of Commerce in Law Degree at the University of Pretoria. I thoroughly enjoyed tutoring my students during that time, teaching mainly Mathematics, Science, Biology and Geography. Some of the students I taught had learning disabilities, finding it extremely difficult to focus. This taught me to be patient and encouraged me to develop alternative and interactive teaching techniques so that my students would stay entertained and maintain their focus on the work at hand. My aim is to create a safe learning experience where I will ensure that my students feel comfortable to express themselves during the lessons, by always maintaining a positive and accepting atmosphere. I believe in the importance of fun and interactive lessons, praising students when they have achieved goals, as well as implementing constrictive criticism in a way that encourages them to keep practicing. I have a love for the ocean and have been lucky enough to spend the majority of my life near the sea. This is why my main hobbies include fishing and surfing. I also spent four years of my life travelling the world, living and working on huge super yachts. This has given me the opportunity to experience a large number of different cultures and has opened my eyes as to what the world really has to offer.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Matthew will travel 20km from Crowthorne AH, Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Matthew speaks English

2012-02-01 - 2013-11-30

I was required to schedule face-to-face lessons with my students on a weekly basis as well as having to determine and plan the curricula for each lesson. I planned my lessons around each individual student depending on their learning capabilities and which subject I was covering. Some of my students also had learning disabilities, finding it extremely difficult to focus. This meant that I had to be patient and encouraged me to develop alternative and interactive teaching techniques so that my students would stay entertained and maintain their focus on the work at hand.

2012-01-25 - 2015-11-26
Bachelor of Commerce in Law - University of Pretoria

Subjects taught
  • General Maths & Science

    I have two years experience teaching Maths and Science for Hire Education Tutors in South Africa. During which all my students excelled in their respective subjects and I thoroughly enjoyed helping them achieve their goals. I also have a passion for teaching Maths and Science as they were my favourite subjects at school.

    Matthew teaches General Maths & Science at Primary School level(s)