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millisa n - Tutor in Sterpark

Dear Students It is my pleasure to have this opportunity to tutor you in the field of Communication Science. I have completed my BA Communication Science Degree through Unisa, I am currently doing an Honours Degree in Integrated Organisational Communication. As a full time working student I completely understand all the dimensions of studying and working full time, having to manage your academic, social and corporate time can be a challenge especially for the first year students. Therefore, this is where I would fall in to help you learn the tips and tricks to effective time management skills and studying effectively. It would be a great pleasure to assist you in getting your Degree. Regards Millisa

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Languages spoken

millisa speaks Afrikaans and English

Graphic Design International and National Certifications Archives and Record Management Certificate Entrepreneur BA Communication Science Degree BA Integrated Organisational Communication Degree I currently work at a Private School & College in Polokwane, Where my day job is Marketing. I am well versed in the field of business as I am an Entrepreneur of a successful business in Polokwane, I strive to motivate and inspire students.
2016 - 2019-01-01
BA Communication Science - UNISA

Subjects taught
  • English Language

    I am best for this as I am passionate about good communication, grammar and language usage. English is my home language and one of the most universal languages in world, it would be a great pleasure to assist those in need of acquiring better grammar and using the language at their disposal. I also enjoy writing and editing and I can assist students with academic writing styles, the correct usage of punctuation, structuring text, wording etc.

    millisa teaches English Language at University/College level(s)