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Kedar N - Tutor in Randburg

Degree in BCom Financial Sciences. Currently studying towards Certified Financial Analyst designation. Previously private tutored 4 home schooled children, grades taught were 8-11. Very outgoing and easy to get along with. It is not aptitude but attitude that will get you altitude.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kedar will travel 15km within Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kedar speaks English

2017-01-01 - 2020-02-04
Finance Executive

Very flexible work hours. Assisting and reporting to directors of the company on: Business system overviews, business risks, business objectives, influences on past and future performance

2015-01-01 - 2016-12-31
Bcom Financial Sciences - University of Pretoria

Completed BCom Financial Sciences.

Subjects taught
  • Economics

    Did Economics in university and currently still studying macroeconomics and microeconomics through CFA. Very knowledgeable in all economic topics. Good at explaining and simplifying complex theories. Can provide a lot of resources that help understanding.

    Kedar teaches Economics at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Business Studies

    I have a good theory knowledge of business studies as well as how to translate what you learn into what you put down on paper. Very knowledgeable in all business studies topics. Good at explaining and simplifying complex theories. Can provide a lot of resources that help understanding.

    Kedar teaches Business Studies at High School level(s)

  • Accounting

    Studied BCom Financial Accounting for two years. Very knowledgeable in all accounting topics. Good at explaining and simplifying complex theories. Can provide a lot of resources that help understanding.

    Kedar teaches Accounting at High School and University/College level(s)