tutor avatar

Phiwokuhle S - Tutor in Arboretum

I am a person who is willing to help others to my best abilities. I am a patient and humble person. Currently working, graduated from the University of Cape Town (BSc. Engineering in Mechanical Engineering).

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Phiwokuhle will travel 50km from Arboretum, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Languages spoken

Phiwokuhle speaks Zulu, English, and Xhosa

2014-04-01 - 2020-08-03
Technical Manager - Reliability

2007-02-01 - 2013-12-13
BSc. Mechanical Engineering - UCT

The major subjects covered in mechanical engineering are: - Design - Thermodynamics - Mechanics of materials - Dynamics - Mathematics - Physics

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics Literacy

    I enjoy helping others on this subject, because of the enjoyment and the love I have for this subject. I also obtained an A symbol at high school and university for mathematics, so I believe I can provide the necessary assistance that learners may require and help them to my best abilities.

    Phiwokuhle teaches Mathematics Literacy at High School and Adult level(s)

  • Mathematics

    I enjoy helping others on this subject, because of the enjoyment and the love I have for this subject. I also obtained an A symbol at high school and university, so I believe I can provide the necessary assistance that learners may require and help them to my best abilities.

    Phiwokuhle teaches Mathematics at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • Pure Maths

    I enjoy helping others on this subject, because of the enjoyment and the love I have for this subject. I also obtained an A symbol at university for calculus, so I believe I can provide the necessary assistance that learners may require and help them to my best abilities.

    Phiwokuhle teaches Pure Maths at High School and Adult level(s)

  • Physical Science

    I enjoy helping others on this subject, because of the enjoyment and the love I have for this subject. I also obtained a C symbol at high school and a B symbol university, so I believe I can provide the necessary assistance that learners may require and help them to my best abilities.

    Phiwokuhle teaches Physical Science at High School and Adult level(s)

  • Design & Technology

    I enjoy helping others, because of the enjoyment and love I have for this subject. I did mechanical engineering and majored in design at university, so I believe I can provide the necessary assistance that learners may require and help them to my best abilities.

    Phiwokuhle teaches Design & Technology at High School level(s)