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Yolisa S - Tutor in Midlands Estate

I am an enthusiastic teacher. I dedicate time to creating an enjoyable, inviting and dynamic learning atmosphere. I always try Implement traditional and innovative methods to motivate students to learn the english language and other subjects such as accounting or math. I am Bcom Financial Sciences graduate from the University of Pretoria and I have a certified TEFL certificate, including an 8 month experience teaching in Beijing, China. I am currently working at in the financial sector and working towards my CA qualification

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Online

Travelling distance

Yolisa will travel 20km from Midlands Estate, Olifantsfontein, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Yolisa speaks Afrikaans, English, and Xhosa

2020-02-03 - 2020-07-31
ESL Teacher

2016-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Bcom Financial Sciences - University of Pretoria

Subjects taught
  • Math

    I was very good at math throughout my schooling and i have young siblings whom I help whenever they struggling with something. I also teach a bit of math in my current job which is in China. I am confident in my skills to assist.

    Yolisa teaches Math at Primary School level(s)

  • Financial Accounting

    Accounting was one of my majors in University and I did very well in it, especially in my first and second year of university. I took Accounting has a subject in High School and matriculated with over 70% in it. I enjoy accounting and would love nothing but to share my knowledge of it to a student.

    Yolisa teaches Financial Accounting at High School and University/College level(s)

  • English Language and Literature

    I have experience teaching in China and I am a very patient individual. I am also very creative and determined to help anyone who comes to me. I am confident in my skills and know that I am good at what I do.

    Yolisa teaches English Language and Literature at High School and Primary School level(s)