Tutors in Vosloorus Ext 1
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Vosloorus Ext 1
Our Service to You
Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Vosloorus Ext 1 tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
Our tutors travel to you and teach in the comfort of your home. We also provide tutors for online sessions.
Hands On Vosloorus Ext 1 Tutor Services
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Our private tutors in Vosloorus Ext 1 near you
Mfundo T
Vosloorus Ext 1
Mfundo T
Vosloorus Ext 1, Vosloorus
I'm a chilled young guy who would rather have pizza over burger, preferably both though. I am in final year at the University of Cape Town pursuing an Electrical Engineering degree. I am from Vosloorus and used to attend a high school in Dawnpark, where I learnt to fall in love with studying, even though it wasn't always my favorite thing. My favorite subjects to tutor are physics and Maths. I found out about this last off last year when I began tutoring them, and I believe I can have a positive impact on any student I take on.
Teaches: Mathematics, Geography, Physical ScienceAvailable for lessons in Vosloorus Ext 1
100% Tutor Match Guarantee or Money Back
At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Vosloorus Ext 1 tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.