Tutors in Soshanguve
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Soshanguve
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Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Soshanguve tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
Our tutors travel to you and teach in the comfort of your home. We also provide tutors for online sessions.
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Our private tutors in Soshanguve near you
Bonginkosi N
Soshanguve - P
oratile m
Soshanguve - VV
oratile m
Soshanguve - VV, Soshanguve
Teaches: Mathematics, Pure Maths, English Language
Available for lessons in Soshanguve
Lizzy K
Soshanguve - H
Lizzy K
Soshanguve - H, Soshanguve
Teaches: Chemistry
Available for lessons in Soshanguve
Kgomotso Josephine R
Soshanguve - AA
Kgomotso Josephine R
Soshanguve - AA, Soshanguve
I am a qualified researcher with an MA studied with Unisa and have acquired a lot of research experience from various research companies. I am interested in providing tutoring for university students in the following modules: 1. Research 2. Psychology(Social, Cognitive)
Teaches: Psychology, Numeracy, English skills, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Soshanguve
Basetsana L
Soshanguve - AA
Basetsana L
Soshanguve - AA, Soshanguve
I am ambitious, dedicated and hard-working. I am currently working towards my Masters Degree in Language Practice. I also work as an Online English Teacher and a Freelance Writer. The languages I studied in highschool include: English Home Language and Afrikaans First Additional Language. The languages I studied at Tertiary level include: Applied English, Applied Afrikaans and Practical French. I can help you achieve your goals with your English HL and Afrikaans AL studies. All it takes is a leap of faith and dedication. I look forward to becoming your tutor!
Teaches: Afrikaans, English LanguageAvailable for lessons in Soshanguve
Soshanguve - H
Tshego N
Soshanguve - BB
Tshego N
Soshanguve - BB, Soshanguve
Im a psychology honours level graduate, Im dedicated and love to motivate and inspire others
Teaches: Psychology, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Soshanguve
Karabo M
Soshanguve - M
Karabo M
Soshanguve - M, Soshanguve
I am highly passionate about economics, finance and investment management.
Teaches: Economics, Business ManagementAvailable for lessons in Soshanguve
Busisiwe M
Soshanguve - XX
Busisiwe M
Soshanguve - XX, Soshanguve
Iam an HOD in Languages at a secondary school.
Teaches: English Literature, Psychology, Special Needs HelpAvailable for lessons in Soshanguve
Kgomotso N
Soshanguve - DD
Kgomotso N
Soshanguve - DD, Soshanguve
I am a self-motivated and innovative lawyer with a passion for law and a thirst for learning and development. I have obtained my Bachelor of Laws, Cum Laude from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. I have worked as a tutor at the university and I have been a research Clerk to the Supreme Court Justice, M Wallis. It would be a great honour to be a tutor at UNISA as I am passionate about Law and the pursuit of knowledge.
Teaches: Law, Mathematics Literacy, History, Biology, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Soshanguve
100% Tutor Match Guarantee or Money Back
At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Soshanguve tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.