Afrikaans tutors in Paarl
Personalized Tutoring Near You Afrikaans lessons for online or at home learning in Paarl
Afrikaans tutors in Paarl near you
Emma S
Emma S
Buitenverwagting, Paarl
Ek is 'n opgeleide Grondslagfase onderwyseres. Ek het baie ervaring met leerders uit verskillende agtergronde bystaan as tutor en onderwyseres. Taalontwikkeling op ' n jong ouderdom is baie belangrik. Ek glo om 'n liefde vir taal by leerders te kweek deur prakties te werk en leer pret te maak.
Teaches: Mathematics, Afrikaans, EnglishAvailable for Afrikaans lessons in Paarl
Nicole l
Nicole l
I'm a very friendly and positive person who can motivate others and work with all types of personalities. I'm hard working and a go getter. I'm an Occupational Therapist and have a passion for children and to help anyone in need. I have lots of experience with tutoring and I find the methods that works best for the student to achieve optimal learning.
Teaches: Mathematics, Afrikaans, Business Studies, Primary School, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for Afrikaans lessons in Paarl