Tutors in Klerksdorp
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Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Klerksdorp tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
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Our private tutors in Klerksdorp near you
Nathan d
Nathan d
Doringkruin, Klerksdorp
I am an avid outdoorsman who loves exploring the English language. Whether it be poetry, narratives or even dramatic texts, I enjoy getting lost in literature and discussing en exploring different point of views. I am a keen sportsman and love trail running. As with literature it provides me with a reprieve from the corporate rat race. "If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them: "Hold on!" -Rudyard Kipling"
Teaches: English Literature, Writing, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Klerksdorp
Megan K
Isaac D
Isaac D
Neserhof, Klerksdorp
A team player and results-driven person with extensive knowledge in Mathematics Education and Information Technology. Being involved in a series of workshops and other teacher development programmes, I believe my strong knowledge in mathematical presentation, analytical and critical thinking will be of great benefit to any institution that gives me a chance to prove my worth. I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated and goal orientated individual, who can work on his own and within a team environment. Through my employment as a mathematics educator, I have gained extensive experience, skills, strategies and techniques in teaching, management and other extra- curricular & co-curricular activities.
Teaches: Statistics, Mathematics, Pure Maths, Computing and ICT, Business ManagementAvailable for lessons in Klerksdorp
Jaimee-Leigh A
Sahil M
Sahil M
Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp
Hi Fellow Engineering Students! I am a Civil Engineer currently practising in the field as a Design and Project Engineer. I enjoy mentoring students and young engineering graduates in the Civil sector. I currently have +7 yrs of experience in the construction and consulting industries, combined. I enjoy leaning new concepts and applications of engineering principles that help shape our Society, Engineers are the pioneers of the future and it is that each student is guided to help bring out their true potential and passion. I would like to share my experiences and skills with my students to educate them of the roles and responsibilities of Engineers in the world. With my knowledge, I will teach you to analyse scenarios, demands and problems, implement basic engineering principles used in industry & consulting practise as well as and deriving solutions to these problems faced. Learn the learning begin! I look forward to working with you.
Teaches: Civil Engineering, Design & Technology, Civil and Structural EngineeringAvailable for lessons in Klerksdorp
Carli W
Klerksdorp Central
Carli W
Klerksdorp Central, Klerksdorp
Good day. I am a passionate young teacher with international teaching experience who would love to help you achieve your goals though teaching while having fun. I am not only looking to develop your educational skills, but also to equip you with skills to accomplish what you always have dreamed of. Kind regards Miss Carli Wheeler
Teaches: English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Klerksdorp
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At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Klerksdorp tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.