Natural Sciences tutors in Grahamstown
Personalized Tutoring Near You Natural Sciences lessons for online or at home learning in Grahamstown
Natural Sciences tutors in Grahamstown near you
Thasmika G
Thasmika G
Grahamstown, Grahamstown
I’ve always excelled in Natural Sciences in high school. In matric (NSC, 2015 ) I obtained a distinction in Life Sciences. I’m studying subjects at university level that is related to this subject and have completed subjects such as cell biology , anatomy and physiology , pharmaceutical chemistry 1 and 2 which I have completed. I’m currently in my third year of my ph... read more
Teaches: Natural SciencesAvailable for Natural Sciences lessons in Grahamstown
Danika P
Danika P
Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Science is my thing and I love teaching the difficult topics in ways that reach your intellectual capacity. I have a history for teaching learners of all learning levels and breaking through to them. If you are stuck with anything Natural Sciences I am super good at what I do!
Teaches: Biology, Natural SciencesAvailable for Natural Sciences lessons in Grahamstown