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Sihle M - Tutor in Kew

I’m 20 years old, so I believe my age will allow for students to be more comfortable with me. I don’t want to have a strict ambience when we have our sessions. I want them to be very comfortable and for them to feel like they have a tutoring session with a friend. This will allow for us to be able to work very well with each other.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home

Travelling distance

Sihle will travel 15km from Kew, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Sihle speaks Zulu and English

I just matriculated with a bachelor’s degree, and I’m currently taking a gap year. I have younger siblings that are in primary, and I’m always the one to assist them with school work, so I believe that has given me some type of experience when it comes to tutoring.
2019-01-09 - 2019-11-26
Admission of Bachelors Degree - Sandringham High School

Subjects taught
  • History

    History was one of my favorite subjects at school, and I performed fairly well in that subject. This subject requires a good understanding of what happened, the focus should not be on when it happened. I can share the tips I’ve learned that will provide a better understanding of the topics that are looked at in history.

    Sihle teaches History at Primary School level(s)

  • Zulu

    IsiZulu is my home language, which provides me with the best knowledge of this subject. It’s not as hard people think it is. Once you have a better understanding of the basics it won’t be a challenge to understand the rest.

    Sihle teaches Zulu at Primary School level(s)

  • English

    English was one of my best subjects at school, which is why I know I have the ability of being the best tutor when it comes to this subject, like any other subject, once a person has a better understanding of the basics the rest will be easier to understand and learn.

    Sihle teaches English at Primary School level(s)