tutor avatar

Kagiso S - Tutor in Mamelodi

I am an easy person to get along with,good communications abilities and more importantly good with people. Very passionate about Mathematics and Physical sciences with extensive experience in tutoring and teaching both the subjects. Beside all i am always looking forward to helping others. I am a graduate in BEng Mechanical Engineering from University of Pretoria.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kagiso will travel 25km from Mamelodi, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kagiso speaks English and Northern Sotho

2014-02-10 - 2018-10-12
Maths and Physical Science Tutor/Teacher

1. Ensure that the class maintains order (can get tricky sometimes) 2. Ensure that all the learners are participating in the activities (It build their confidence) 3. Provide exercises for learners to do during the class and after class to assess their understanding of the chapter or topic 4. Assess the learners and give them constructive feedbacks on how to improve where they are lacking 5. Allow those with developing confidence to come and explain how they approached certain problems

2014-02-03 - 2019-06-28
BEng Mechanical Engineering - University Of Pretoria (UP)

I am a graduate in Mechanical Engineering from one of the best higher instutition of learning in South Africa and Africa as whole. I believe the skills i possess now are more advanced than when i first came to UP, with this been said i have good set of skills to help you in both mathematics and Physical Sciences.

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I am very passionate about mathematics and i can easily explains terms and problems more understable than in most textbook. And since i was an average learner, i know how to explain terms in such a way it makes sense to those who don't understand the subject and its content. I obtained symbol A and also obtained my degree in Mechanical Engineering

    Kagiso teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)

  • Physical Science

    I don't only theoretically explain terms but i always do my level best to use methods such as demostrations and ensuring that the learner can relate to concept beyond just doing calculations. I instill great level of confidence in the learner which subsequently help him/her to improve their grades.

    Kagiso teaches Physical Science at High School level(s)