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Pergan N - Tutor in Atholhurst

Pergan left a career as a hedge fund manager to study philosophy abroad for 3 years. Having returned to South Africa he has shifted his focus to education where he hopes to play a part in cultivating young thinkers. Pergan has a natural affinity for numbers and logic. He has a well established in both the theoretical and practical aspects of mathematics, statistics, philosophy, science, economics and finance. Prior to his career in investment management he studied Financial Mathematics and Actuarial science, graduating cum-laude. Pergan has extensive experience in tutoring high school Mathematics and university Statistics. His tutoring method is based on the fundamental principle of education i.e. to draw out the knowledge from the learner.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Pergan will travel 20km from Atholhurst, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Pergan speaks English

2006-01-01 - 2007-12-31
Mathematical Statistics Tutor at UKZN

2008-01-01 - 2008-12-31
RMB Equities Graduate Program

Identified trading opportunities and conducted research on behalf of the equity traders. Developed Risk Reports to identify and quantify the portfolio risks within the Equities Trading Desk. Automated the reconciliation processes whilst in operations.

2009-01-01 - 2012-06-30
Equities Proprietary Trader

Trading of listed shares and equity options. The due diligence process involved a bottom up approach consisting of both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

2013-10-01 - 2016-12-01
Hedge Fund manager

Analysed the economic landscape as well as industry and company trends in order to find mispriced instruments in the financial markets.

2007-01-15 - 2007-12-11
Bachelor of Science Honours (Financial Mathematics) - UKZN

Passed Cum laude. Majored in Financial Mathematics.

2004-01-15 - 2006-12-11
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science - UKZN

Passed Cum laude. Majored in Actuarial Science and Statistics.

Subjects taught
  • Statistics

    I am analytical, logical and precise. I majored in Actuarial Science, Statistics, Financial Mathematics in University. I passed both my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, cum laude. I also completed six Master level statistics modules at Wits university. In addition to a solid theoretical understanding I also have practical experience having made use of my statistical knowledge during a career in equities trading.

    Pergan teaches Statistics at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Further Maths

    I am analytical, logical and precise. I majored in Actuarial Science ,Statistics and Financial Mathematics in University. I passed both my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, cum laude. I also completed six Master level statistics modules at Wits university. In addition to a solid theoretical understanding I also have practical experience having made use of my statistical and mathematical knowledge during a career in equities trading.

    Pergan teaches Further Maths at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Mathematics

    I am analytical, logical and precise. I majored in Actuarial Science ,Statistics and Financial Mathematics in University. I passed both my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, cum laude. I also completed six Master level statistics modules at Wits university. In addition to a solid theoretical understanding I also have practical experience having made use of my statistical and mathematical knowledge during a career in equities trading.

    Pergan teaches Mathematics at High School and University/College level(s)