Hi there, As you know my name is Bianca, I have over 3 years of teaching experience, mainly with Grade 6's and 7's. My favourite subjects to teach are Maths and Natural Science. I am an energetic and fun tutor who enjoys teaching and wants to make your learning experience as memorable and enjoyable as possible. I pride myself on getting to know each one of my students individually, so that I may identify their needs and help them where in areas needed most. I am always willing to assist with any academic questions and problems that you may be experiencing. I look forward to working with you on achieving your dream results.
Bianca speaks English
My day-to-day at this teaching position consists of me arriving at school early in the morning so that I can go over my lesson plans and ensure that I am prepared for the days classes. From here I go with my colleagues and meet up with the whole Grade 7 class and we have a short assembly with them informing them of any news and announcements. From here we all proceed to our classrooms with our register classes. My lessons are mostly presented through a PowerPoint presentation and always begin with me discussing briefly what the lesson is about. I will then allow my students the opportunity to ask me or their peers any questions regarding the topic at hand. From here I proceed through my PowerPoint presentation teaching them the new content. At the end of each of my lessons I enjoy quizzing my class, so that I can recognize what content was and wasn't understood.
My day-to-day at this teaching position consisted of me arriving at school early in the morning so that I could prepare my classroom and all my material for the days lessons. From here we would have a quick morning assembly and then we would proceed to class. My class at this school was much smaller than the average South African school class. Therefore I was able to manage teaching my Grade 6's all the required subjects. My lessons would generally begin with me explaining very generally what the lesson was about, followed by a few questions, so I could identify what content they already know, and proceed by teaching them the new content. At the end of each of my lessons I enjoyed playing a game with my class where I would spot test them to ensure that each child understood the concept that was taught.
This degree helped me to focus my skills so that I can better identify where my students need help and how I can assist them.
This is my basic Bachelors degree that stated I am qualified to teach students from Grade 4 to Grade 9, in Mathematics and Natural Science.
I am the best tutor for this subject because I, myself, as a child, struggled with mathematics and it took me many years to understand the basics that I had missed in my younger school years. But now, I am proud to say, I have a Honors degree in Mathematics from the University of Pretoria as well as 3 years teaching experience. I believe I am best equipped for this position because I take the time to identify where a child has missed a step, process or link in their mathematics knowledge. So that I can pinpoint the problem and help my student overcome it.
Bianca teaches Mathematics at Primary School level(s)
I am the best tutor for this position because I have the passion and knowledge for Natural Science. I have over 3 years teaching experience in Natural Science and I enjoy challenging my students to think like scientists, to explore and to question. Teaching Natural Science is my passion.
Bianca teaches Natural Sciences at Primary School level(s)