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Ntsikayomzi M - Tutor in Van Riebeeck Park

I think the biggest barrier to learning is students' anxieties around subjects, especially Mathematics. I aim to create an environment where mistakes can be made so learning and understanding can actually occur. I recently completed by Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Honours) at Stellenbosch University having done some extra Mathematics and Physics modules along the way :D

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Public Place

Travelling distance

Ntsikayomzi will travel 50km from Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Ntsikayomzi speaks French and English

2018-02-05 - 2019-12-09
Teaching Assistant

Twice a week I aided students in tutorials, the period of time when students are expected to apply the theory they have learnt to particular problems. My role was to guide student understanding when roadblocks were reached, in conjunction with other student assistants and lecturers.

2015-02-02 - 2019-12-09
BEng (Industrial Honours) - Stellenbosch University

The Bachelor of Industrial Engineering is a degree based in mathematics, physics, operations research, industrial psychology and other fields of the human sciences. It is aimed at equipping students to optimize systems.

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I appreciate that most frequently, students struggle with Mathematics out of anxiety and a poor structure of understanding. My tutoring style aims to address these particular issues in addition to providing a source of knowledge. In 2019 alone, I tutored over 100 hours of Mathematics subjects at university, whether as a classroom assistant or in private tutoring. In addition, I have experience informally tutoring high school students.

    Ntsikayomzi teaches Mathematics at High School, University/College, and Adult level(s)

  • French

    I have completed DELF B2, meaning that I qualify to study at a french university and I have experience informally aiding people with french.

    Ntsikayomzi teaches French at High School level(s)

  • Physics

    I appreciate that most frequently, students struggle with Physics because they do not understand the underlying Mathematics and because they have not been given an intuitive understanding, My tutoring style aims to address these particular issues in addition to providing a source of knowledge. In 2019 alone, I tutored over 100 hours of Physics subjects at university in private tutoring.

    Ntsikayomzi teaches Physics at High School, University/College, and Adult level(s)