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Amanda N - Tutor in Fynnlands

I am a student at stellenbosch University doing BEng Mechatronics. I will be taking a gap year to raise funds so that I go back next year. I belief education can be used to change the world as long as people study with purpose not just to get to the next grade. I stay in Durban my home down

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Amanda will travel 65km from Fynnlands, Bluff, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Languages spoken

Amanda speaks Zulu, English, and Xhosa

02/27/2017 -
Graduate Trainee

I am working at Engen Petroleum (LOBP) under the quality department

02/09/2015 - 11/30/2017
BSC Chemistry and chemical technology - UKZN

I am tutoring Mathematics and wish to help students see their potential in mathematics. With passion that I have help them to grow so love for maths.

02/09/2015 - 11/30/2017
BSC Chemistry and chemical technology - UKZN

I am tutoring Mathematics and wish to help students see their potential in mathematics. With passion that I have help them to grow so love for maths.

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    During my High school years I was excelling in mathematics and in varsity I also did mathematics and passed it well. I have my own skills on how to solve maths problems that can help other students. I am currently preparing for my NBT MAT test so I am still aware of the mathematics that is thought in high school. I am passionate about mathematics and want to teach others to love and remove the fear they have about mathematics

    Amanda teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)