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Lydia T - Tutor in Berea

I am a self-motivated tutor who can work under pressure. My goal is to equip candidates with the knowledge needed in this modern era. My passion is to unlock the learner's understanding so that they can see education with a positive eye. I have dealt with many candidates with different characters and that helps me to handle any character. Tutoring has quite a number of challenges but l can handle any challenge due to the experience l have in tutoring.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Lydia will travel 20km from Berea, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Lydia speaks Zulu, English, Northern Sotho, and Ndebele

08/05/2009 - 09/10/2019
Teaching, Facilitation,Tutoring

Since l received my Diploma, l have done teaching in primary schools,AET Facilitation with different age groups and people of different careers and l have also done face to face home tutoring.

02/15/2000 - 08/11/2006
Diploma in Education - Mandiwongola Secondary

I studied at the University of Zimbabwe a Diploma in Education. It was a three year course where l took 2 terms in the University,3 terms in the field then another 2 terms in. The study of psychology helped me to be able to identify easily the learners short comings.

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I am the best tutor for this subject because l have the understanding of different approaches to concepts when not well mastered. Most people say that Maths is difficult and they have come to a point of hating it, however it is because of the approach used in each topic. Mostly the 'simple to complex' method is not used.

    Lydia teaches Mathematics at Primary School level(s)