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Amber B - Tutor in Avondale

I hold a BA degree in Linguistics and a PGCE specializing in Afrikaans language teaching and History. I am an Afrikaans First additional Language teacher at a high school with over 2 years experience. I am fluent in English and Afrikaans and incorporate translating into my teaching as a means of communicating with my learners. I enjoy working with teens and sharing my knowledge of the Afrikaans language.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Amber will travel 100km from Avondale, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Amber speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-01-01 - 2021-12-15

I am an Afrikaans First additional Language teacher at a high school with over 2 years experience. I am fluent in English and Afrikaans and incorporate translating into my teaching as a means of communicating with my learners. I enjoy working with teens and sharing my knowledge of the Afrikaans language.

2019-01-07 - 2019-12-11
PGCE - Stellenbosch University

Majoring in Afrikaans and History Teaching

2015-02-09 - 2018-12-07

Majoring in Linguistics and Politics

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I am fluent in the Afrikaans language, I translate in my lessons in order for my learners to grasp the language. I can determine learners weak points and improve on it. My lessons are engaging and student centered and I believe in building relationships with my learners to grasp their understanding and abilities.

    Amber teaches Afrikaans at High School level(s)