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Kailece G - Tutor in Buccleuch

I understand the stress that is faced with school and want to help students be confident in their work. I am a young, hard-working lady and I have 2 years of teaching experience under my belt. I worked at a small private school as an assistant teacher and worked with students between the ages of 12 – 18. At this school I taught in various different subjects such as Mathematics, English, Afrikaans, Geography and Biology for grades 7 and above. I am friendly and patient, having the knowledge that each student is an individual who works at their own pace and has their own way of understanding. I am also aware that each student has different strengths and enjoy working with students in order to use those strengths in their academic life. I am also extremely creative and encourage thinking outside of the box and new ways of learning. My prior working experience has given me the knowledge and tools to not only help students efficiently and effectively but to recognize the emotions and attitude of learners towards academics and different subjects. I am willing to work hard and go the extra mile to help all students achieve great results and a positive mindset.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kailece will travel 5km from Buccleuch, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kailece speaks English

2019-01-15 - 2020-12-31
Assistant Teacher

During this time period I managed all admin such as homework, communication between parents. reply slips, indemnity forms, etc. I also worked with kids in different subjects such as Mathematics, English, Afrikaans, Biology and Geography.

2018 - Matriculated from Bryanston High School 2019-2020 - Worked at Christian Life Private School as an Assistant Teacher
Subjects taught
  • English Language and Literature

    In my matric year, English was my not only my favourite subject but my best subject. I excelled in language rules and soared in creative writing and literature. I believe that I have the experience and knowlede to not only make learning English easier but also to help students enjoy it as much as I do.

    Kailece teaches English Language and Literature at High School and Primary School level(s)