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Simoné E - Tutor in Moseley

I am a Final year Bed: Foundation Phase teacher with Afrikaans as a specialization. I was raised completely bilingual and am fluent in both English and Afrikaans. I love helping people achieve their goals and I love seeing people succeed.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Simoné will travel 20km from Moseley, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Languages spoken

Simoné speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-04-22 - 2019-12-22
Grade RR teacher

Plan the daily routine, plan all the lessons, write up lesson plans, make resources and worksheets for the lessons, introduce basic languages, assess the progress of learners.

2017-01-22 - 2021-12-22
Student Intern

Teach when teachers are absent, assist learners when they do not understand, read with the reading groups, complete lesson plans and weekly planners, plan lessons, make resources for the lessons.

2017-01-22 - 2021-12-22
BEd: Foundation Phase - UNISA

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I am completely fluent in both English and Afrikaans. I have received A’s for Afrikaans throughout my Schooling Career and have always helped people in my classes. Now with my teaching degree and me studying Afrikaans up to University level I have even more knowledge of the language and how to effectively teach it. I would love to teach you this expressive language!

    Simoné teaches Afrikaans at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)

  • Reading

    I am a teacher and in my studies I have been taught to teach reading. Its always been a pleasure of mine when I see my students progressing in their reading. I have always enjoyed reading and listening to people read so being able to assist you in learning to read is an honor for me.

    Simoné teaches Reading at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)