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Estelle J - Tutor in Zwartkop

I am a teacher and graduated (CumLaude) with a B-ed degree. I am a homeschooling parent to three energetic boys. I have a passion for Afrikaans, which is also my mother tongue and I love teaching children. I thrive on that moment when they reply with insight: "Oh, is that how it works!" I do have the patience and enthusiasm which is needed when teaching young children. I have been tutoring Afrikaans for the past seven years on a one-on-one basis from Grade R to 7. I offer online tutoring via GoogeMeet, Skype and Zoom. I teach Afrikaans 1st language and Afrikaans 2nd language.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home and Online

Travelling distance

Estelle will travel 5km from Zwartkop, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Estelle speaks Afrikaans and English

2013-01-01 - 2020-10-29
Homeschool teacher and Tutor

In the morning I am a homeschool mom to three engergetic boys. In the afternoon I tutor Afrikaans online, either using Zoom or Google Meet.

2010 - 2017
B-ed (foundation phase) teaching degree - UNISA

I graduated (Cum Laude) with a B-ed teaching degree (foundation phase) at UNISA in 2017.

Subjects taught
  • Afrikaans

    I do an initial assessment to understand the leaner’s general level of proficiency, wherafter an analysis is done to identify specific areas of improvements. Tailormade, individual classes to assist with moving the learner to the next level, while addressing identified areas of improvement. I use animations, characters, rhymes and mind maps to stimulate interest, create context and tranfer knowledge. I teach through associations, using both visual and audio sensors to assist with understanding memory retention. I focus on reading and writing, and pronunciation where required.

    Estelle teaches Afrikaans at High School, Primary School, and Adult level(s)