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Lamé d - Tutor in Chancliff AH

I am currently a student at the North-West University. I have a deep love and passion for learning and helping people reach their potential. My favourite subjects in school were Afrikaans and English. I believe language is something that can connect people from all different parts of life. I think that I can make a difference by combining these two passions of mine, and that becoming a tutor is the perfect opportunity to do it.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Lamé will travel 15km from Chancliff AH, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Lamé speaks Afrikaans and English

2020-03-18 - 2020-10-30

Over the lock-down period I have assisted a few students with homework, online learning and test and exam preparations.

2017-02-01 - 2020-11-30
BHSc - North-West University

I am currently busy with my final year of my studies to become an Occupational Hygienist. I am also a prospective Master's student (2021).

2012-01-02 - 2016-11-30
Matric - Hoërskool Noordheuwel

I matriculated from Highschool with 5 distinctions in 2016. Distinctions in: Afrikaans English Life Orientation Agricultural Sciences Dramatic Arts

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    During lockdown I spent a lot of time helping my little brother with Maths. I realised that a lot of little kids have a negative attitude towards Maths simply because they do not have the fundamentals of the subject down. I think that I can explain these fundamentals in a way that is easy to understand, stress-free and fun.

    Lamé teaches Mathematics at Primary School level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    Afrikaans is my home language and defines who I am in many ways. Language has always been one of my passions as it connects us with people from all parts of the world. I think that I can help people better understand and grasp the concepts of the Afrikaans language.

    Lamé teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Biology

    I am currently an Occupational Hygiene student with 4 years of Physiology modules completed (some with distinction). I love studying biological processes and concepts and helping other people better understand these concepts. I think that with the right help, anyone can understand the biology that is all around us and makes us who we are.

    Lamé teaches Biology at High School and Primary School level(s)